Natural Remedies For Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is more common in women which can affect them between the ages of thirty to fifty. Pain in muscles, tendons, ligaments, fatigue, multiple tender points in the body, are the symptoms of this disease. It can apply tender pressure on the neck, shoulders, upper back, upper chest, elbows, low back, hips and thighs.

Headaches, enxiety, depression, numbness in the hands and feet, poor concentration, painful menstrual periods, sensivities to odors, noises, bright lights and even touch are symptoms that are experienced by the patients. Some herbal natural remedies are quite effective to cure this ailment.

Dandelion: It has anti-inflamatory properties and helps to detoxify the body. It can reduce frequency and intensity of pain and may strengthen the connective tissue. One tablespoon juice of this herb should be taken twice daily for four to six weeks to cure this problem. Even one cup of tea twice daily may be taken to get relief.

St. John’s Wort: It is an antidepressant which can influence the adrenal gland hormones to help in relieving stress. It can cure the sharp, shooting pains. Best thing is that it is non-narcotic. It has got antiviral properties also. Take three hundred milligrams thrice a day to get relief.

Garlic: It is useful to detoxify and enhances immune system. Its two to three raw cloves may be taken daily to get relief. It is a natural treatment without any side effects. It may be cooked in any foods of your liking to prevent this ailment.

Licorice Root: It works in body like cortisone but without any side effect. It can support the glandular system of the body to relieve pain. This herb can boost up the blood pressure and do not use it for more than seven days in a row. Try to avoid it in case of high blood pressure.

Turmeric: It can help in reducing pain and inflammation. It has got anti-inflammatory properties to heal this ailment. Try to take four hundred to five hundred milligrams thrice in a day to get relief from this problem.

Ginger Tea: It is an alternative to aspirin to get relief from minor aches and pains. Try to steep one teaspoon of grated root in a cup of hot water for ten minutes and add honey for taste. Its powder can be taken in capsule form to take relief from pain.

Pine-Bark And Grape-Seed Extracts: These are natural anti-inflammatory to ease pains. The extracts of these can be taken thrice in a day to get healing from pains. This combination is most powerful antioxidant combination. It is advised to take this extract for at least four weeks to get relief. This is a good painkiller to cure this ailment quickly and easily.

Devil’s Claw Root: This is natural anti-inflammatory to heal rheumatic disorders. The minor pains can easily be relieved by taking one capsule daily to get relief. UseĀ  it regularly to get healing quickly.

Willow Bark: It has got anti-inflammatory properties to cure this ailment. One capsule in a day with water should be taken to get relief from pains. This is a fine painkiller to relieve from this disease and is easily available in the drugstores or in the market. Take 225 mg of capsule four times a day to get pain relief. It is not safe for everyone so consult your physician before starting it.

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