Natural Herbal Cure For Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids or Piles are of two types. The one that can develop inside the rectum and causes bleeding. The second one can occur around the anal opening, which is painful during or after the bowl movement or when it is wiped with toilet tissue.
It may occur because of pregnancy, obesity and sitting or standing for long period. This tendency can increase with age and some times run in a family. Some herbal or home remedies are helpful to treat it.
Aloe Gel: It is applied to get relief from pain and burning in the rectum or anal area.
Butcher’s broom: This is very useful herb to for the cure of external hemorrhoids and is applied topically to get relief from pain and itching in the rectum.
Calendula is anti-inflammatory: This can give relief in pain and inflammation. It is used as a cream to make strong infusion.
Dandelion: It is available in the form of tincture and capsules to soften hard stools to get relief from pain during evacuation internal or external piles.
Horse chestnut herb: This can increase elasticity of blood cells to help reduce swelling in hemorrhoids.
Horsetail herbal tea: It is used as tea to get relief from bleeding and pain especially for internal hemorrhoids.
Psyllium seed can soothe bowel movement: Psyllium seed or husk are very helpful for soothing internal bowl and for internal coating on the walls of intestines. It helps for easy evacuation and to reduce inflammation, friction inside the rectum.
St.John’s Wort reduces inflammation: It is applied topically to reduce inflammation and swelling in the rectum and can be used in an oil form also.
Witch Hazel: This is used to stop the bleeding in internal hemorrhoids and is very effective.
Cranesbill (Geranium Maculatum): This is a wild geranium plant which has been used to treat various digestive conditions. It may be used as a poultice, the root and rhizome of cranesbill has got a potent astringent quality which can be used to treat hemorrhoids.
Pilewort (Ranunculus ficaria): This is a traditional english herb which can be used to treat piles or hemorrhoids. This is really very effective to give relief in this disease.
Tips to prevent Hemorrhoids or Piles
- Fresh Fruits Juice should be used to avoid this problem.
- Some fruits like cherries, blackberries and blueberries are very important.
- Cantaloupe, red and black currant berries are very important to prevent it.
- Oranges, bananas and pomegranate juice is extremely useful to prevent this ailment.
- Try to drink minimum eight glasses of water per day to avoid it.
- Always avoid laxatives which can be harmful if used for long time.
- Don’t wait too long on the urge to have bowel movement.
- An ice pack can be used to get relief from swelling in external hemorrhoids.
- Papaya is quite useful to get relief from constipation.
- Some leafy vegetables and alfalfa and blackstrap molasses should be regularly used.
- Sweet potatoes are high in fiber, vitamin-B, iron, potassium and many other minerals.