Natural Herbal Remedies For Menopause
Menopause may happen between the ages of forty five to fifty five. It is a stoppage of menstrual cycles. Hormone levels namely estrogen and progesterone are dropped. Symptoms of menopause may be seen from moodiness, insomnia to hot flashes and virginal dryness. Some exercises and diet control is very important at this stage to avoid any frustration. Some herbs and plants contain phytoestrogens which is just like estrogen in women.
Soybean is Useful: Women who are consuming large amount of soybean foods don’t experience any hot flashes. Their heart rate doesn’t raise alarmingly. Tofu can be made from soybean to consume to get benefits during menopause.
Licorice, Herbs Fruits: It has got estrogenic which is used to cure menopause symptoms. Hot flashes can be reduced by the regular use of Black Cohosh, Alfalfa, Oregon Grape, Dandelion Root and Red Clover. Vitamin-C and Bioflavonoid also help in diminishing hot flashes. Vitamin-C is largely found in Broccoli, Beet Greens, Peppers, Parsley, Salad Greens, Citrus Fruits, Melons, Berries and Apricots.
Aloe Vera and Vitamin A, Vitamin E: It is strongly recommended Vitamin A, E and Aloe Vera be consumed in large quantity to cure vaginal dryness. Even Angelica of chinese herb can help in balancing hormones.
St. John’s Wort may helps in Depression, Anxiety: It is really helpful in treating depression during menopause. This will cure from mild to moderate depression levels.
Sarsaparilla: This is very effective herb to stimulate the production of natural hormones to develop circulation and regulate the glandular system of the body. It helps to restore sex drive and craze.
Valerian Helps in Insomnia: It is really a mild sedative to soothe anxiety, restlessness and mild insomnia during menopause. It works as mild tranquilizer for the women who are experiencing emotional stress during the period of menopause. It is also useful in headaches, bronchial spasms, and lingering coughs and treats pains.
Ginseng: This herb is widely used to treat anxiety, fatigue and menopause troubles. It can give relief in all kinds of problems in the menopause.
Calendula Cream: The cream of calendula herb is usually used to treat viginal itching during the menopause. It is also antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory and can also be used as herbal vaginal cream for menopause.
Damiana: This is very effective herb in stimulating nerves, genitals, circulation and metabolism. Depression in menopause is cured to revive sexual instinct and a urinary tract infection gets treated properly. Sexual vitality is restored.
More Tips for Herbal Cure:
- Dong quai is very effective in treating hot flashes during menopause.
- Chaste Berry affects the pituitary and cures dizziness and hot flashes and keeps the viginal bones strong.
- Motherwort can reduce severity, duration and frequency of hot flashes. Frequent usage can treat anxiety, insomnia and stress.
- Oils of basil or thyme may diminish hot flashes if it is used in baths or massaged.